What does it? Let's paste the description from the market:
This application lets you monitor the currently used bandwith of all your network devices (mobile, wifi, bluetooth, ...) by displaying the incoming and/or outgoing traffic in the notification area (at the top).
Furthermore it counts all your traffic and stores the information on your phone, so that you're able to see how much data you have transferred today, this month and in total. Especially useful if you're on a plan with a traffic limit.
The application is free. It supports the developer by showing advertisements, but only while the application is in the foreground. So if you keep the app closed or in the background you will see the bandwith used notifications but no ads!
This application requires 4 permissions:
- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: to detect if network devices are up and for advertisements
- INTERNET: for advertisements and to allow remote logging of application errors (this can be disabled)
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: So that the notifications nad counting of traffic can be automatically started after your phone starts (this can be disabled)
- WAKE_LOCK: so that the notifications and counting of traffic
can continue while the application is not in the foreground
And of course some screenshots:
So there you go. Enjoy the fruits of my labor (and hammer your index finger down on the ads like a maniac).
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